Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Off to Puerto Rico

Well I have I have a confession.  My last blog was written in about 20 minutes and under duress to get it done. I had spent an afternoon writing it and choosing pictures then  saving on the computer.  The next day I walked for 1/2 an hour to get to a local bar that we knew had good internet to cut/copy/post,  easy right??  Not sure what happened, hitting buttons I shouldn't have been hitting but I erased (or I should say, saved with changes-blank) the entire thing!!  Al just rolled his eyes of course, while in mid sentence asking how that could happen, then stopped and moved on.  Anyway lesson learnt.

We spent a week at anchor between Crown Bay and Water Island getting caught up on more boat jobs.  We also managed some exploring to Home Depot, K mart and found a fabulous grocery store called Cost U Less.  Very similar to Costco, even Kirkland products. Good prices and beautiful produce. Our taxi ride back to the boat cost  $10, compared to $30 from the airport. He helped with groceries and it was at least 4x's the distance!

We have been getting rain almost every day but doesn't last long. Heat remains to keep us moving slowly and getting us in for a swim whenever we can.  We discovered Honeymoon Bay on Water Island, a fabulous swimming beach, buoyed off to keep motorized and kayaks etc. out. An easy and short dingy ride away from us.
New deck wash installed!!
replacement mats for floor in aft cabin, after our diesel leak last year

winch maintenance

Friday morning we lifted anchor, raised our sails starting our trip to Culebra (Spanish Virgin Islands). The winds were up and some big waves but we were headed in a good direction (west) making it a fast and comfortable sail the entire way (4 hours).  Unfortunately our friends from Toronto, Sun Kissed,  were making their way east towards St.Thomas  were not having the same experience.  We were the only two vessels out as far as we could see and from our chat on the radio they definitely were not having as much fun as we were.

Heading to Culebra

Loved Culebra. Great protected harbour and good holding for the anchor. Spent a couple of days exploring  the Island via foot and golf cart rental.  Beautiful, friendly little place. Kind of reminded us of Denman/Hornby Islands back home. Laid back, surfer (but no surfing) hippie, local tourist kind of place.  Sunday morning we were on the move again making out way back to mainland Puerto Rico, Porto Del Rey, for some more sight-seeing adventures and a bit of shopping.  A bit harder of a sail as the wind was lighter and waves (swells) still big but we managed to sail the entire way again (5 hours).
Street in Culebra, across from Ferry

                                      Tiny canal from bay to open water on south shore

view of some of the smaller Islands surrounding Culebra
hey, wildlife other than Iguana's and cats!
View back to St. Thomas (higher peak way in the back ground)

remnants of US testing / training  times

view down to harbour where Haven is anchored

The marina here is huge!  Extremely well run, very clean and well kept.  Some of our cruising friends left their boat here for this past hurricane season.  We rented a car and were able to explore the island and get some other errands done.  We had heard of a wonderful  Canadian born lady who was highly recommended to us for sail repairs.  Even being very busy, she needed a little of Al's sweet talk, she agreed to do some seam repair we needed on our jib.  Done in a couple of hours. Thanks Heather! 

We spent hours walking around in Old San One followed by a visit to Costco before returning to the boat.  What a long day, but the old city was so worth the trip. Loved it!  The next day we headed up to El Yunque National Park.  The only Rain Forrest in the US Park System.  What an incredible place to visit.  We spent time at the visitors centre then headed up for a walk to La Mina Falls and some of the points of interest along the way.  A truly magical place they we will come back to another time to spend longer exploring.  Later the same day we  took a drive hoping to get into a coffee plantation for a tour but given timing and how far away things are we just ended up in Salinas for a beer. Salinas is a little town that we had spent four or five days at anchor last year and really enjoyed.

Today is a day for more organizing and a little relaxing. I'm not feeling great today so I think may be just a day "off" will be good. I'm sitting here writing while waiting for our laundry to finish but not much going on for me. Al took back the rental this morning and he has been "working" on boat jobs again today. 
Arriving in Puerto Rico. El Yunque in the clouds
Porto Del Rey


one of these things are not like the others!
Getting out of town before the masses get in and the rain comes pouring down. 

El Yunque National Park

visitors centre

Bamboo on steroids

we actually seen this little guy but couldn't get a picture

La Mina Falls. We didn't stay, too many crazy tourists

view from top of tower. Haven is down there, right in the middle of picture

this was enough of a water fall for us, no one there but us

snail like critters on the trees

Laundry room. Picture me inside typing!

We are heading back to St. Thomas tomorrow hoping to explore a couple of different anchorages and then make our way to St. John's for more of the same.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends!

Love to you all. Talk soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a fabulous time. It brought back lots of good memories. Have fun in St-Thomas and see ya soon !
